Okay, so for the longest time I've been wanting to watch "Pushing Daisies" because of the huge buzz that surrounded the show during and after its short-lived two seasons (after which it was unfortunately cancelled) and also for the fact that my favorite actress *slash* Broadway superstar Tony-winner *slash* Emmy winner (for her role on the show) Kristin Chenoweth. Not to mention that the super cute and charming Lee Pace starred as Ned aka the Pie Maker. So, I logged into neflix the other day to surprisingly find that all the episodes of Pushing Daisies (from both seasons) were available to instantly watch on my computer. Having nothing else better to do, I pressed play on episode #1. It was love at first click. Currently I'm on episode #7 aka "Smell of Success" and I'm completely 100% addicted to these charming, endearing, whimsicle, fairytale-esque comedy drama that doesn't take death so seriously as saaaaaaaayyy "Criminal Minds", or any other television crime drama for that matter? Not to mention there are lots of yummy screen shots of delicious pies. The sets are dramatic and theatrical to say the least, which I looooove. Also, the amazingly outstanding (can I use such words?) Ellen Green (most famously known as Audrey from the cult film classic "Little Shop of Horrors", another awesome movie) stars as one of the aunts. And, can I mention how awesome it is that the girl/love interest has the name Chuck. I just think that it's awesome that the girl has a guy name......maybe I'm just weird like that. Oh, wait.........I already knew that lol! Anyways, sooooooo excited to watch the rest of the episodes and sad at the same time that there are only two seasons. Oh well, all good things do come to an end. AND! ALmost forgot, I looooove the fashions from the film as well! Chuck has that awesome vintage 50's or 60's vibe with the flair skirts, floral prints, and bold colors as well as the sun hats and cat-eye sunglasses as well as penny-loafers. Here are some pics.....Enjoy